
Georgia On My Mind

Offical Song of the State of Geogia

在我知道有这首歌的时候,其实一直是只听过它的曲调,没听过它的歌词的。当时在网上下载了一张Lee Oscar的口琴专辑,里面有一首很好听的曲子就是它。过了些日子下载了一张钢琴独奏的专辑,又听到了这首曲子。再后来,买了张连曲名都没有的口琴CD,一听,居然还是有这首曲子。几个不同版本,有的深情款款,有的显得有些颓废,有的像是在玩技巧。相同的旋律上加上了许多不同的变化,让这首曲子能百听不厌。



词:Stuart Gorrell 曲:Hoagy Carmichael

Georgia, Georgia, the whole day through 
Just an old sweet song keeps Georgia on my mind.
Georgia, Georgia, a song of you
Comes as sweet and clear as moonlight through the pines.

Other arms reach out to me
Other eyes smile tenderly
Still in peaceful dreams I see
The road leads back to you.

Georgia, Georgia, no peace I find
Just an old sweet song keeps Georgia on my mind.

Melodies bring memories
That linger in my heart
Make me think of Georgia
Why did we ever part?

Some sweet day when blossoms fall
And all the world's a song
I'll go back to Georgia
'Cause that's where I belong.

Georgia On My Mind by Hoagy Carmichael & Stuart Gorrell
Copyright ©1930 by Peermusic Ltd. Copyright Renewed.

